Ridgefield Public School Students and Staff Support Frontline Workers!
Ridgebury Elementary School students made signs to show their appreciation for our health care workers!
Community is not Canceled made possible by
Ridgebury Elementary School students made signs to show their appreciation for our health care workers!
Teachers, staff, and the principal of Moody Elementary and Bielefield Elementary paraded around Middletown neighborhoods on March 30 in decorated vehicles, waving to students for the first time since March 13.
Let's tie Ridgefield up in ribbons in gratitude for all first responders and essential workers! Compassionate Ridgefield is spearheading an awesome initiative show appreciation for the men and women on the front lines who are putting themselves in harm's way to battle COVID-19.
In this new time of social distancing and isolation, what happens when it's your birthday? Especially if you're a kid? Typically a celebration of friends and fun, how can a quarantine birthday be joyful and memorable? West Redding Volunteer Fire Department to the rescue!
Casey Castillo, a nurse and busy mom from Orange, CT founded 203 Rainbow Hunt after being inspired by a community hunting for rainbows in upstate NY. Her Facebook Page is spreading joy and the vibrant colors of the rainbow throughout Connecticut.
Community Time at Wooster is a chance for all of us to take some time as members of the Wooster community to take a breath, to find ways to appreciate our membership in this and the larger community of humanity, and to perhaps provide some positivity to each.